D2.2: Use cases, requirements and design report

Deliverable D2.2 is the second technical deliverable of Work Package 2 for the PRIVATEER project. It serves to define the use cases and requirements to be
implemented and demonstrated in the project while offering an introduction of the framework and the various enablers that will play a crucial role within the PRIVATEER architecture. In alignment with growing privacy and security concerns within the context of 6G networks, this document explores five use cases, that showcase how PRIVATEER can seamlessly integrate into future network generations of Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), following the “privacy-first security” paradigm, which is dedicated to safeguarding user information while ensuring the privacy of transmitted data across diverse solutions.

D2.1: 6G threat landscape and gap analysis
This is the first deliverable of Work Package 2 (WP2), “PRIVATEER framework design, integration and evaluation”, denoted D2.1 “6G threat landscape and gap analysis”. The main objective of the WP2 includes all the system engineering activities for the PRIVATEER framework, namely requirements management, design and specification, integration and verification via use case scenarios. More specifically, the main objectives addressed in this document include a comprehensive identification of the threat landscape in 6G, with a specific focus on new/evolved threats through an extensive literature review with a drill down on the identifiable risk factors that contribute to privacy leakage of end users, service providers and infrastructure providers. Furthermore, identifying gaps related to 6G candidate technologies and also proposing specific security and privacy related 6G Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Value Indicators (KVIs).
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